Immediately after surgery, for at least six to eight weeks, you will be required to follow a special eating plan. This will be planned and discussed with you by our specialist bariatric dietitian and specialist bariatric nurse.
If you experience any problems after surgery it is important that you contact us directly as soon as possible. You will be given contact details for us on your discharge from hospital. There are a number of other things that you will also need to consider:
Lifelong commitment:
As in all treatments for obesity, successful results will depend on your motivation and the actions you take. The surgery is a tool which enables you to make the necessary changes to your diet and physical activity levels.
Our specialists will support you along the way and you will be required to attend regular follow-up appointments for the rest of your life to ensure that your weight loss is maintained and to monitor your general health and wellbeing, as well as to pick up any potential problems early.
Monitor your diet:
All treatments for obesity require a lifestyle change. Our staff will provide you with after-surgery guidance to ensure you maintain your diet and nutrition plans, this will reduce the risk of any problems occurring after surgery and will maximise your weight loss.
It is important that you follow our recommendations to manage your diet and stick to the recommended food portions, so that you do not experience any unpleasant side effects. Our dietitian will advise you on how to manage your eating habits, dependent on which type of surgery you have.
Increase your physical activity levels:
In order to ensure you experience the best possible weight loss after surgery you will be required to increase physical activity levels.
Many patients who experience excess weight can suffer from long standing health conditions and are unsure which activity is right for them. You may then be invited to attend an appointment with the Bariatric Specialist Physiotherapist who will discuss appropriate activities, explore local services and create individual exercise plans.
Take regular supplements
If you have had obesity surgery you will be required to follow a well-balanced diet and take nutritional supplements and medications for the rest of your life. Some bypass surgery patients develop nutritional deficiencies such as anaemia, osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease – although these can be avoided if a balanced diet and daily vitamin and mineral supplements are taken.
Our specialists will closely monitor you to ensure that any potential problems are picked up early. Our specialists will discuss with you the impacts of surgery with you before a decision about whether to operate is made.